Biostimulant of fruit set, that includes natural active ingredients to improve fruit set through a hormonal induction and stimulation process.
Doses and protocols according to crops
Tomatoes, peppers and aubergines
- Start treatments from the 2nd or 3rd flowering.
- Via irrigation: 2.5 litres/ha.
- Frequency: apply every 12-15 days.
- This product should be used in combination with primarenc in periods of thermal stress or when new buds are necessary.
- Combine foliar and root application.
- Foliar application by wetting the whole plant: 2 cc/litre every 7 days.
- Root application: 2 litres/ha every 12-15 days.
- Combine with primarenc in periods of thermal stress.
- Start treatments when plants are 1.5 m tall.
- Via irrigation: 2 litres/ha every 15 days.
- In cucumber fields where plant growth is reduced, carry out foliar applications at a dose of 2.5 cc/litre.
- This product should be used in combination with primarenc in periods of thermal stress or when new buds are necessary.
Watermelons and melons
- First treatment: 5 days before introducing pollinators or when the first flowers appear.
- Second treatment: 7-10 days after the first treatment.
- Dose via irrigation: 2 litres/ha.
- Symptoms to observe: greater proportion of female flowers to male flowers and the shape of the flower is larger. More open petals and brighter colour.
- A slight delay in fruit set may be observed, but the time of harvest remains the same.
- Important: prepare the plant well with P, Zn and Mn before treatments with SB12.
- As fruit set is increased, a correct management of irrigation is essential during the fruit development process.
Green beans
- It is important for the plant to be vegetatively well developed (leaves and branches) for the treatment to be highly effective.
- Three treatments via irrigation at a dose of 2 litres/ha should be carried out, starting when the plant has reached a medium vegetative growth stage, at 15-day intervals.
- Subsequent treatments may be carried out depending on the evolution of fruit set.
- First treatment: 80 – 90 % flowering
- Second treatment: 14 days after the first treatment.
- Dose (foliar application): 2 litres/1000 litres of water.
- Combine with primarenc at times of thermal stress.