Broad spectrum phytovaccine
that improves the general condition of the plant,
increases its strength and vigor, which allows to obtain a higher yield and harvest quality
Active substance
stemicol® is a phytovaccine based on chitooligosaccharides, fractions of molecules derived from chitin with a specific chain length. When the plant receptor proteins recognize the chitooligosaccharides, the innate immune response is activated, favoring local and systemic biochemical processes that improve the general state of the crop, optimizing the development and growth processes, which allows obtaining an increase in the yields and better harvest quality.
Chito-oligosaccharides are substances that are widely distributed in nature. They do not have any toxicity, are totally biodegradable and do not affect auxiliary fauna.
Degree of polymerization of the active substance
Not all chitosans or oligosaccharides derived from chitin activate the innate immune response in plants. Not all oligosaccharides derived from chitin are active. The oligosaccharide chain acts as if it were a key and, as such, it only enters certain locks, and can only be recognized by plant-specific proteins (cERK1).
Scientifically it has been demonstrated that the chito-oligasaccharides recognized by these receptor proteins and, therefore, capable of activating a response, have a degree of polymerization between 5 and 14 units. Outside this range, the response generated by the plant is very poor or even null.
The chito-oligosaccharides contained in stemicol have a molecular weight of less than 3000 Daltons and a degree of polymerization between 5 and 18 monomers, guaranteeing that the innate immune response is generated with ample guarantee.
How it works
Recognition of chito-oligosaccharides activates various molecular and physiological changes. Between seconds and minutes after recognition by the receptor there is an increase in the intracellular Ca + 2 concentration, the activation of MAPK kinase proteins that phosphorylate target proteins, including transcriptional factors that regulate the expression of defense genes WRKY33.
These transcriptional and biochemical changes have as an immediate consequence the strengthening of the plant cell wall, thanks to the deposit of structural substances such as callose or lignin, as well as the production of secondary metabolites with important functions for the development of the plant.
WRKY33 gene expression
Analysis of WRKY33 gene expression in wild plants and in mutants in the chitin receptor (cerk1) after treatment with stemicol at doses of 1500 and 5000 μg / ml.
Wild plants
After treating the plants with stemicol, an expression of the WRKY33 gene is observed
Mutants in the chitin receptor
Plants where the cERK1 receptor has been eliminated, chito-oligosaccharides cannot be recognized and therefore the gene is not expressed.
→ They improve the general condition of the plant
→ They increase the vigor and strengthening of the plant, which allows to obtain a higher crop yield and harvest quality.
→ Its use allows reducing the use of chemical phytosanitary products, which facilitates a better commercialization of the residue-free production and, consequently, greater profitability.
→ They are natural, non-toxic substances, they do not leave residues, they are totally biodegradable and they do not affect the auxiliary fauna.
Effect on the increase in production and sizes in pepper crops
In plants treated with two concentrations of stemicol, production increases between 10 and 20% were observed.
Effect on rot in tomato
4 applications of stemicol® were made at 2.5 g per liter every 15-20 days, starting with the first visible inflorescences (preventive application).
17% of the plants treated with stemicol® presented an incidence of rot compared to 53% of the control plants.
Effect on rot in strawberry
6 applications of stemicol® were made at 2.5 g per liter every 15-20 days and the percentage of rotten fruits was measured.
In the field
A 64% reduction in rotten fruits was obtained in the plants treated with stemicol®
After 5 days at a temperature of 5ºC, only 1.5% of the strawberries treated with stemicol® showed rotting compared to 12% of the control.
Effect on bunch rot in table grapes
After 4 applications of stemicol® at 2.5 g per liter in a volume of 1000 l / ha, every 20 days from the pre-closure of bunches, 89% more bunches were obtained without damage compared to the control.
Effect on the increase of production in potato cultivation
Effect on the increase in production and sizes in onion cultivation
Production increase between 20 and 30% through root applications of stemicol® at 2 and 4 grams per liter.
Effect on conservation in stone fruit trees in integrated production
4 applications of stemicol® were made at 2.5 g per liter, starting the applications with 30% of open flowers, the second application between the second fall of the fruit and 50% of the final size, the third application at 90% of the size final and last in veraison.
From a sample of 100 fruits / thesis, it is first stored for 7 days in a chamber at 0 – 2 ºC, later it is taken out for 15 days at room temperature, simulating the shelf life, counting the number of rotten fruits.